"The Art of LaTeX: Common Mistakes, and Advice for Typesetting Beautiful, Delightful Proofs" made it onto the front page of Hacker News on 01/08/2023!
My post The Art of LaTeX: Common Mistakes, and Advice for Typesetting Beautiful, Delightful Proofs was upvoted onto the front page on Hacker News on Sunday 01/08/2023, where it peaked at the second position:
As of writing, it currently seats at 270 points, with 143 comments.
I am really glad that the post resonated with a lot of people, and that they found the content useful. This is the first time any of my posts made it onto the front page of HN, so this accomplishment means a great deal to me. Of course, my goal is not to write things that can go viral or which are popular, but to write things which have value for readers now and in the future.
None of this would have been possible without all of your continued support and readership, for which I am very grateful. I will continue to do my best and work on writing great content! As always, feel free to reach out if you have any comments or suggestions.
Your Friend,
Fan Pu
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